Monday, February 6, 2012

The Lastling

Answer the question in 50-60 words.

 How would you like to comment on author's way of portraying the theme of cultural differences in the story? what message he is trying to give to the readers through this?


  1. I really like the way that how the author has portrayed the theme of cultural differences in the story because in that particular chapter, every character was different from one another but they tried to adjust theirselves in that kind of situation.The message which we are getting through this that we should try to adjust ourselves in every kind of situation. No matter how difficult it is!!!!!!! And we have to respect every culture, their way of living,and their religion.

    Zarnab Asad

  2. i really like the way that how the author has portrayed the theme of cultural differences in the story because we have to adjust us in every kind of this we can tolerate each and every kind of persons,religion and culture or festivals.
    Ehtesham Masood

  3. In the novel the inter mixing of different cultures was shown and they were suppose to understand each other cultures and to compromise and tolerate with each other ,while living together. Similarly we should respect each other feeling and culture in order to give the world a global village affect.The writer has given us a same theme that we should not degrade third world country and try to live with each other.

    From :
    Meer Sheheryar Sadiq

  4. I like the way the author has shown different people of different cultures live together while adjusting themselves to each other and their environment.I think it is a very good way to make the readers understand that we have to adjust in any situation we face in our life and try to live with people of different traditions and way of living.

    Abdullah Farooq

  5. I like the way the author has shown different views of different cultures and the way people interact with each other. I think that the author is trying to deliver a message that a person should always accept the difference of cultures and the way of living of different people and should adjust in it...

    Fahd Rashid

  6. I think the athor has portrayed this theme to tell the difference between western and people living in East-Asia. This shows that there are people like gods and titan living this world eg; Franklin , etc. On the other hand , on this same land, there are people whom there is no one to listen to them. To give them their rights. Eg;Tahr as Shengo. These kind of people are living a life which no one prays to get. They live a harsh life.
